Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Impact Of Obesity and Found for Women - Health is one of the important things to be taken care of. Why? This is because health is so important that you can perform daily activities better. Especially women. Women are superhuman beings who are given superpowers to take care of many things, ranging from caring for children, husbands, housework and many other things. Married women have a lot of work to complete in order to make them more stressful. Unfortunately because of busyness, many women who then menomor-duakan health ranging from food consumed until the things that may be vulnerable terajadi him, such as breast cancer.

Regarding breast cancer

Cancer is one of the diseases caused by abnormal cell growth. There are 2 types of breast cancer that can be suffered by women. The first type of cancer is a type of ductal cascinoma cancer. This type of cancer is a common type of breast cancer, there are 8 out of 10 women who experience this type of cancer. For the other type is the type of lobolar carcinoma. This type of cancer is a fairly rare type of cancer, this case only occurs in 1 in 10 women who suffer from breast cancer.

Causes of Breast Cancer

The cause of breast cancer is very diverse, and can occur due to many factors. The main factor of breast cancer is that age, women over 50 have a higher risk of cancer, the risk increases when a woman has had cancer before.

For those of you who have a family that has a history of this disease, you need to take precautions. Prevention you can do include:

  • Exercising
    • One of the things that boost immunity to breast cancer is the sport. Sports activities reduce the likelihood of breast cancer in women especially when he had menopause.
  • Breastfeeding
    • When women have children, the best thing that can be done to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer is by breastfeeding ankanya. Breastfeeding is the thing that will reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption
    • One of the things to avoid when your breast cancer risk is great is to avoid alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a dangerous drink that can lead to increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Reducing weight
    • If you have a high weight, then you have a greater likelihood of having breast cancer. To reduce it, you can try exercising like walking every 30 to 1 hour every day. It is important to reduce fat and the risk of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the most difficult disease to overcome, therefore it is better to prevent than to treat is not it?

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