Monday, January 2, 2017

Potent Drinks Lose Weight

Diet for the sake of gaining weight and ideal body shape is sometimes so a scary thing. This was caused by the many rules about food, drinks, and also must maintain high discipline.

If the imagined like that, it would cause a heavy burden even to the point that you lose interest in doing so. However, it's actually not as scary diet it too!

Although you should limit your calorie intake, it does not mean you should not consume beverages that taste good. Well, here are some delicious drinks that can actually help you to lose weight!

Honey and lime / lemon

Besides being able to strengthen the immune system, it is also efficacious for weight loss, you know! Not many people know when the sweet liquid produced by bees contains carbohydrates! Yup, 1 tablespoon of honey found to contain 17 grams of carbohydrates.

While the lemon or lime juice has properties to aid digestion. If the digestion running smoothly, then the fat burning process would not be interrupted. Vitamin content in lime also serves as an antioxidant that can cleanse the digestive tract.

Drink a glass of warm water this drink every day. How to make enough to brew 1 tablespoon of honey and lime juice to taste in one glass of warm cup.

Honey and Cinnamon

In addition to lemon, you can also mengkombiasikannya fresh honey with cinnamon. The natural sweetness of the honey is very secure so it does not affect blood sugar to rise. In addition, the index glikemiks in honey fairly low.

While cinnamon is one herb that can increase insulin levels and prevent the transformation of fat. Cinnamon is also slow down the time it takes food to reach the intestine so that we can feel full longer.

To make this drink, it is advisable to use cold water so that the nutrients are not lost due to the hot temperatures. Pour 1 tablespoon of pure honey into a glass of cold water and add half the cinnamon sticks.
